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Happily ever after 💙

So ... .     . yesterday we got told the greatest news of all.

our boy is OFFICIALLY ours 😭💙

And words really cannot describe how amazing that feels... from day one he has always been ours but there is always that " what if " but not any more. And it really makes you think about life a little. All I've ever wanted is a family to call my own, and loads of times I've thought it would never happen, ....bad relationships, stupid decisions etc.... I've always been one to look at what everyone else has and want the same.... the flash cars, the big house, the money ... but laid here now, with my "normal" house, my 2 average cars, not alot in the bank.. and all I can think is .. IM THE RICHEST MAN ALIVE 🙌 this wont stop me from wanting the best.. but the best means different to everyone. This family is full of love 💙 and that's PRICELESS 😘 WE ARE JENSONS DADS .. and that ... is the best feeling EVER 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 

Next step is the naming ceremony where we go to court and he gets our last names 😍 we really cant wait for this as it will be a huge family event.  So I will keep you updated on that. 

Life really is getting better, however hard parenting can be 😂 but it's not put us off as we are already talking about adopting another 💜 .... so who knows what the future will hold ✌😍 

New updates to follow and more family shenanigans on our Instagram page- @mushandbean 

Sheffield, UK

©2018 Mush & Bean daddies blog

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