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Just perfect 💙

Nearly 6 weeks into family life ... and all I can say Is .... WOW 💙 

I honestly cant remember life without this amazing little boy in our lives. And I really wouldn't want to. 

When people say the love for your child is unexplainable, I wondered if I would ever feel that 😫😭 .. I wondered what people meant when they said you love them so much you could literally squeeze them till they pop or eat them... but now , I really do understand 😍💙... you just cant explain how you feel apart from your heart hurts and you would do ANYTHING to make them happy 💙 ..  

Also on Friday, it was his 2nd birthday, which was amazing, we was so excited for him to wake up and see his name in balloons & his new slide & swing set and all his other presents, we didn't go mad as hes got loads of toys & Is more interested in remotes & things he shouldn't have 🤣 and our house resembles a toy store already. But he got so much off everyone and hes now richer than daddies 🤣 so thankyou everyone for your gifts & cards 💙.

We spent the weekend having visits from family and trying out new soft play areas 😍 ( I think I love them more than he does 🙌🤣) and then Sunday we locked the door and we all chilled in the living room whilst watching Harry Potter 😍( hes learning young ⚡) probably the best weekend to date 💙😍 ..  

The journey up until this placement seems like a distant memory now, one I actually miss as we met so many amazing people , and also the social worker visits have slowed down.. we love our social worker & so does our boy.. shes visiting Thursday so we look forward to seeing her and updating her on our progress  💜... 

Life just seems to be getting more amazing by the day. Watching him learning & growing so much 💙 and we really would say to anyone thinking of doing it...  DO IT... I would do it again tomorrow 😍💙 ( yes that's our next conversation 🤣... might as well make it a family of 4 ey 🤔😍🤣) ... 

I'll try & update when I can, and I'm sorry it's not as regular as I would like but time really does just fly past 😱..

Until the next post ..... 😘💙 .. 

Sheffield, UK

©2018 Mush & Bean daddies blog

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