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3....2....1..... Go 🚥

Where back 👋👋... (Sorry for the delay we've been soooo busy 😴 ) I now bring to you may 😉 .... this is where it gets crazy 😖😍.

So here goes ..... 

May arrives and we havnt heard anything 🤔.. so we phone the agency, and after a quick chat they arrange to send out some forms. A few days later we receive them in the post 😝 this is to give consent to starting the process 😍 and also for our personal referees details, so we fill out names, contact details etc, sign what we need to sign and send them off (thankyou Gemma, Kate and Nicola 😍  ) eeeeekkkkkkkk... it's getting exciting 😱😍

A few days pass and we receive a phone call to say we need a meeting the following week 😱

Monday morning arrives & we are in Sheffield city centre, fresh coffee in hand.. nervous, and wondering what this meeting will involve. We sign in , make our way up in the lift , through a network of corridors and into a little room, and there we wait... 😖

A few nervous minutes later we are greeted by a lovely women ( I can't remember her name 😖😂 ) and we sit and chat about everything, from the adoption process, our backgrounds, address history etc, and .. STAGE 1, we really had no reason to feel nervous, it was actually really enjoyable 😁 anyway ..  she gives us our stage 1 folder ,talks us though it , and we head home.

That week we spend any spare time looking through the information in the folder, and that weekend we make a start on the work sheets.

I'm not gunna lie, I've lost sleep over these worksheets.... I hate paperwork 😂.. give me 100 kids to look after and I'd be happy .. give me 100 worksheets to fill out and I panic 😂🤚

Anyway....The work sheets are basically for us to give as much information about ourselves as possible ... for example, pet forms , family trees , eco maps (something we,d never come across, basically it's a spider diagram of your support system, family friends etc 😁) and so on. Some sections have loads of personal questions to fill out, others are about our research into adoption, overall there was a lot to do ,but with the help of family and friends and lots of late nights and coffee,  we finally sent them off by email on the 1st of June😍 ( I never wanna see another worksheet again 😂). We've also had our medicals inbetween which we passed with flying colours 😁 and also received our DBS checks back .. all fine  👌😁 (HAPPY DAYS 😝)

We've also been assigned to a social worker, GAIL, we've not met Gail yet, where hoping to meet with her on the 26th of june , weve only spoke briefly over email but im hoping we get on with her brilliantly ( I hope she likes gin ✌😂) and she's obviously going to love us, WHO DOESN'T ✌🤔😏😂... 

Anywhooo...  that's where we are at the minute, it's all soo exciting and feels so fast paced right now, we can't believe it , next step should hopefully be PANEL and stage 2, we also have our 3 day training in July  😱 .... we will do our best to keep you all up to date with our journey on here 😍 ....

One step closer to finally having our  family 💜😍... and we really can't wait 👌...  

Sheffield, UK

©2018 Mush & Bean daddies blog

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