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Oh it's happening....

October 2017...

As we sit in the kitchen together with a brew ( might have been a gin but ssshhhh 🤪) , looking through numerous sites online about adoption, we decided that we just needed to do it..

So we dial the number for the Sheffield adoption agency and let it ring.. hearts in our mouths waiting to hear what we do next.

After 5 minutes on the phone we find out that we need to attend a group meeting in the centre of Sheffield one evening the following week to get the ball rolling .. so we confirm we are attending and hang up.

For me ( Joe ) I can only describe the feeling as surreal, you've thought about something for so long that now it might actually finally be coming true ... it definitely whirled round my mind for the following days and it was all we really talked about.

In the days leading up to this meeting ( having no idea what it involved) we met with all friends and family and explained what we wanted to do and they all thought it was amazing ( I think our parents are more excited than us ) if that's possible. 😂

Anyway ( waffling again 😂).. the evening arrives and we head into a building in Sheffield ready to see what we need to do. We are greeted by social workers and other people involved as well as other couples like us all ready to start their adoption journey too 😍, after refreshments and brief hellos ,we all gather into a room with seating and a projector and prepare for the meeting to commence 😁

The meeting started by explaining all about adoption and the process routes, we then had the pleasure to listen to two adopters stories and how they found the whole journey and also how their life changed once they had been placed with their child. ( we found this very emotional as they didn't spare any details 😭) but you could see from their faces just how amazing they felt and how much love they had for the children etc.. it made us even more determined to do this.

We left the meeting that night having given our details and headed home feeling extremely excited 😍.

A few weeks later we received a phone call saying that a social worker would be visiting our home in a few weeks to meet us 😱. It's getting real now .... armed with every cleaning product and smelly available we blitzed the house a million times ( btw we arnt scruffs our house is always spotless. We just felt we needed to make sure it was more than perfect 😂) I'm surprised we had any carpets left with the amout of times I hoovered ( I'm obsessed with cleaning as it is 😂).

Anyway... The day arrived, one evening in November a lovely lady turned up ( im useless at remembering names 🙄) and we invited her into our home. After a long conversation about ourselves and our background she did a quick tour of the house and was happy with everything 😁( phewww... 🤪) . The only thing she did mention was that we need to have lived together 2 years. So we would have to wait to carry on to the next step ( stage 1 ) around March time...

So that's what we did .. we got Christmas out the way, the new year, February March and April passed and then we got to May. And this is where it all starts to pick up the pace a little 😱😍 .... and this is why we've started this blog now .. because these next few months are gunna be crazy 🤪🤪

Sheffield, UK

©2018 Mush & Bean daddies blog

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